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Ebla, view of the acropolis

Walls of Ebla, 1964

Ebla, view of the acropolis

On January, 9th 2020 we celebrated our mentor Paolo Matthiae on his 80th birthday, with a conference about one of his passions: the Assyrians!
The conference was held at the Aula degli Organi Collegiali, Palazzo del Rettorato (Sapienza University of Rome) and witnessed the participation of many international and national colleagues, friends and students of our professor!
Click the link for some pictures of the event!

We are happy to announce that
the 10 December 2019 (h.17:30) at the Sala della Biblioteca di Arte, Castello Sforzesco (Milan, Italy)
will be a conference by Prof. Paolo Matthiae on the importance of the Italian Excavations at Ebla (Syria) and in support of the Association Amici di Ebla.
The conference is organized thanks to the Association Lombarda Archeologia.

We are glad to announce the arrival of the volume:
"Pearls of the Past. Studies on Near Eastern Art and Archaeology in Honour of Frances Pinnock" edited by M. D'Andrea, M.G. Micale, D. Nadali, S. Pizzimenti, A. Vacca (marru 8, Zaphon)

It is now available the new volume of
ARET (Archivi Reali di Ebla Texts) XIX:
"Wirtschaftstexte: Monatliche Buchführung über Textilien in
Ibriums Amtszeit (Archiv L. 2769)"
by Imad Samir
Harrassowitz Verlag - Wiesbaden
News and Publications
News and Publications
Event: Verso una definizione del "sommerso cuneiforme". Casi di studio
Organised by dott. Marco Bonechi (CNR)
Speakers: Andrea Ercolani (CNR), Claus Ambos (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen), Davide Nadali (Sapienza Università di Roma), F. Mario Fales (Università degli Studi di Udine)
CNR, P.le Aldo Moro 7, Rome (Sala Bisogno)
Monday, 15th April 2019, h 10:00
Visit our website and descover news and the new publications!!!
Visit our website and descover news and the new publications!!!
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