Prof. Roberto Antonelli
Prof. Eugenio La Rocca
Dott.ssa Elena Paciotti
Prof.ssa Frances Pinnock
Prof. Paolo Matthiae
Dott. Stefano Turchetti
Dott. Maurizio de Magistris
Ebla Project

Paolo Matthiae
Co-Director of the Italian Archaeological Expedition to Syria (MAIS) and discoverer of the ancient city of Ebla. Emeritus of Archaeology and History of Art of the Ancient Near East.
Frances Pinnock
Co-Director of the Italian Archaeological Expedition to Syria (MAIS) and Associate Professor of Archaeology and History of Art of the Ancient Near East at Sapienza University of Rome.

Davide Nadali
Responsible for the "Ebla Project"
Member of the Italian Archaeological Expedition to Syria (MAIS) since 1998. Associate Professor of Archaeology and History of Art of the Ancient Near East at Sapienza University of Rome.
Marta D'Andrea
Responsible of the publications
Collaborates with MAIS as an archaeologist since 2007. She is currently entrusted with the study of Ebla’s late 3rd millennium BC pottery and of its final publication in the MSAE series.

Agnese Vacca
Research Fellow at the University of Milan. From 2006 to 2010 she participated in the excavation at Tell Mardikh/Ebla of the Sapienza University of Rome, on behalf of which she is charged with the study and publication of the Early Bronze III-IVA1 contexts and materials. She is member of the EBLA-CHORA PROJECT, FP7-IDEAS-ERC and of the editorial boards of Contributi e Materiali di Archeologia Orientale and Studia Eblaitica.
Andrea Polcaro
Member of Ebla Expedition in Syria (MAIS) since 1998. Adjunct Professor at the University of Perugia, he is in charge with the publication of funerary contexts dated to the Middle Bronze Age at Ebla (Tell Mardikh).

Maria Gabriella Micale
Archaeologist and art historian of the Ancient Near East. She is researcher at the FU-Berlin, where she works on the unpublished materials from the Persian levels of Tell Mardikh.
Sara Pizzimenti
Member of Ebla Expedition in Syria (MAIS) since 2004. Researcher at the University of Pisa, she is in charge with the study of pottery materials from Iron Age and their archaeologial contexts. She is member of the editorial boards of Contributi e Materiali di Archeologia Orientale.

Akhmed Fatima Kzzo
Member of Ebla Expedition since 2004. He obtained his Ph.D. in Archaeology at Sapienza University of Rome in 2013. Currently (2018) he conducts a research on cylinder seals of Ebla during the Middle Bronze Age.
Mohammed Alkhalid
He is a member of Ebla excavation team since 2006. He was a part in the coordination of the Ebla laboratory activities which include the scan and digitization of Ebla's Archaeological materials. Currently he is involved in the study and the publication of the Middle Bronze Pottery discovered in the southern palace.

Eloisa Casadei
She is an independent researcher in Near Eastern Archaeology, with a special focus on household archaeology and history of economy during the 3rd millennium BC. Since 2014 she is part of the Ebla Team and she is in charge of the digital archive of the Archaeological Expedition at Ebla - MAIS.
Valentina Oselini
She is a Ph.D. and Research Fellow in Archaeology of the Ancient Near East at Sapienza, University of Rome. She is currently working on 2nd millennium BC pottery materials from Northern Mesopotamia and Northern Syria. Actually in charge of the photo archive of the Italian Archaeological Expedition at Ebla - MAIS.

Luca Volpi
PhD student in Near Eastern Archaeology at Sapienza University of Rome. His research focuses on the Ubaid pottery, in particular from Southern Iraq.
He works with the Chair in Archaeology and History of Art of the Ancient Near East since 2015. Since 2017, he is involved in the digitization of ceramic materials of the Italian Archaeological Expedition to Ebla, Syria (MAIS).
Alessandra Caselli
PhD student in Near Eastern Archaeology at Sapienza University of Rome. The focus of her research is the 4th Millennium BC in Southern Levant.
She works with the Chair in Archaeology and History of Art of the Ancient Near East since 2015. Since 2016, she is involved in the digitization of photographic data of the Italian Archaeological Expedition to Ebla, Syria (MAIS).

Andrea Titolo
PhD student in Near Eastern Archaeology at Sapienza University of Rome. His current project focuses on the Iron Age settlement patterns along the Euphrates in Syria and Iraq.
He works with the Chair in Archaeology and History of Art of the Ancient Near East since 2015. Since 2016, he is involved in the digitization of the graphic documentation of the Italian Archaeological Expedition to Ebla, Syria (MAIS).